

Differences between OEM Retail and Volume Licenses

"Microsoft OEM License Key" "Microsoft Retail License Packaging" "Volume License Agreement Microsoft"

Understanding Microsoft Licensing Options: Differences between OEM, Retail, and Volume Licenses

Navigating the complexities of Microsoft licensing can be daunting. Whether you’re an individual, a small business owner, or part of a large enterprise, understanding the different licensing options available helps you make an informed decision that best suits your needs. In this blog, we’ll delve into the three main types of Microsoft licenses: OEM, Retail, and Volume Licenses. Each has its unique features, advantages, and limitations.

OEM Licenses

OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) licenses typically come pre-installed on new computers by the manufacturer. Here are some key points to understand about OEM licenses:

  • Single Computer Use: OEM licenses tie to the specific hardware they were originally installed on. Consequently, if you upgrade or replace your computer, you cannot transfer the OEM license to the new machine.
  • Cost-Effective: Generally, OEM licenses are cheaper compared to retail licenses, making them an attractive option for new PC purchases.
  • Support Limitations: The hardware manufacturer, rather than Microsoft, usually provides support for OEM licenses. Therefore, if you require direct support from Microsoft, this can be a limitation.

Retail Licenses

Retail licenses, also known as Full Packaged Product (FPP) licenses, are purchased separately from the hardware and come with their own set of benefits:

  • Transferability: One of the significant advantages of retail licenses is their transferability. You can move the license from one computer to another, as long as it’s only installed on one device at a time.
  • Direct Support: With a retail license, you get direct support from Microsoft. This can be beneficial for resolving issues and getting updates.
  • Higher Cost: Retail licenses tend to be more expensive than OEM licenses due to the added flexibility and support options.

Volume Licenses

Volume licenses cater to businesses and organizations that need multiple copies of Microsoft software. Here’s what sets volume licenses apart:

  • Bulk Licensing: Volume licenses allow organizations to purchase software licenses in bulk, which can lead to significant cost savings.
  • Flexible Use: These licenses can be deployed across multiple devices within the organization, making them ideal for large enterprises.
  • Management and Support: Volume licensing agreements often come with tools for managing software deployment and support from Microsoft.

Comparison at a Glance


Choosing the right Microsoft licensing option depends on your specific needs and circumstances. For personal use or single computers, OEM licenses offer a cost-effective solution. If you need the flexibility to transfer your license between devices, a retail license is the way to go. For businesses requiring multiple installations, volume licenses provide the best value and management capabilities.

Ultimately, understanding these differences ensures that you make an informed decision, optimizing both your software investment and overall user experience. Whether you’re an individual user or part of a large organization, the right license can significantly impact your efficiency and cost management.

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