'use strict'; /* * Opt in (e.g. EU): * default all scripts disabled. * cookie banner * * Opt out (e.g. US): * default all scripts enabled * opt out cookie banner * * Other regions: * default all scripts enabled * no banner * * * For examples to edit the behaviour of the banner, please see https://github.com/really-Simple-Plugins/complianz-integrations * */ /* * Create an element * @param el * @param content * @returns {*} */ function cmplz_create_element(el, content) { let obj = document.createElement(el); obj.innerHtml = content; return obj; } /* * Add an event * @param event * @param selector * @param callback * @param context */ function cmplz_add_event(event, selector, callback ) { document.addEventListener(event, e => { if ( e.target.closest(selector) ) { callback(e); } }); } /* * Check if the element is hidden * @param el * @returns {boolean} */ function cmplz_is_hidden(el) { return (el.offsetParent === null) } function cmplz_html_decode(input) { let doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(input, "text/html"); return doc.documentElement.textContent; } /** * Consent Area management for shortcode and block editor */ document.querySelectorAll('.cmplz-consent-area.cmplz-placeholder').forEach(cmplzConsentArea => { cmplzConsentArea.addEventListener('click', e => { let container = e.target; if ( !container.classList.contains('cmplz-consent-area') ) { container = e.target.closest('.cmplz-consent-area.cmplz-placeholder'); } if (container) { let consentedService = container.getAttribute('data-service'); cmplz_set_service_consent(consentedService, true); cmplzLoadConsentAreaContent(false, consentedService); cmplz_enable_category(null, consentedService); cmplz_set_banner_status('dismissed'); } }); document.addEventListener("cmplz_enable_category", function(consentData) { let consentedCategory = consentData.detail.category; let consentedService = consentData.detail.service; cmplzLoadConsentAreaContent(consentedCategory, consentedService) }); }); function cmplzLoadConsentAreaContent(consentedCategory, consentedService){ document.querySelectorAll('.cmplz-consent-area.cmplz-placeholder').forEach(obj => { let category = obj.getAttribute('data-category'); let service = obj.getAttribute('data-service'); let postId = obj.getAttribute('data-post_id'); let blockId = obj.getAttribute('data-block_id'); if ( consentedCategory === category || consentedService === service ) { //if not stored yet, load. As features in the user object can be changed on updates, we also check for the version let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('GET', complianz.url+'consent-area/'+postId+'/'+blockId, true); request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/json'); request.send(); obj.classList.remove('cmplz-placeholder'); request.onload = function() { obj.innerHTML = JSON.parse(request.response); //search for script elements and execute them obj.querySelectorAll('script').forEach(scriptEl => { cmplz_run_script(scriptEl.innerHTML, category, service, 'inline', scriptEl); }) }; } }); } /* * If an anchor is passed for an element which may load only after an ajax call, make sure it will scroll into view. */ document.addEventListener('cmplz_manage_consent_container_loaded', function(e){ let url = window.location.href; if ( url.indexOf('#') != -1 ) { let end_pos = url.lastIndexOf("?") != -1 ? url.lastIndexOf("?") : undefined; let anchor = url.substring(url.indexOf("#") + 1, end_pos); const element = document.getElementById(anchor); if (element) { const y = element.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset - 200; window.scrollTo({top: y, behavior: 'smooth'}); } } }); /* * prevent caching of the WP Rest API by varnish or other caching tools */ complianz.locale = complianz.locale + '&token='+Math.random().toString(36).replace(/[^a-z]+/g, '').substr(0, 5); /* * CustomEvent() polyfill * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CustomEvent/CustomEvent#Polyfill */ (function () { if (typeof window.CustomEvent === 'function') return false; function CustomEvent(event, params) { params = params || { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: undefined }; let evt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent'); evt.initCustomEvent(event, params.bubbles, params.cancelable, params.detail); return evt; } CustomEvent.prototype = window.Event.prototype; window.CustomEvent = CustomEvent; })(); var cmplz_banner;//look this one up when the cookiebanner loads. var cmplz_banner_container = document.getElementById('cmplz-cookiebanner-container'); var cmplz_manage_consent_button; var cmplz_waiting_inline_scripts = []; var cmplz_waiting_scripts = []; var cmplz_fired_scripts = []; var cmplz_placeholder_class_index = 0; var cmplz_all_scripts_hook_fired = false; var cmplz_consent_stored_once = false; var cmplz_fired_category_events = ['functional']; var cmplz_fired_service_events = []; var cmplz_categories = [ 'functional', 'preferences', 'statistics', 'marketing', ]; /* * Get a cookie by name * @param name * @returns {string} */ window.cmplz_get_cookie = function (name) { if (typeof document === "undefined") { return ""; } name = complianz.prefix + name; const cookies = document.cookie.split(';'); for ( let i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++ ) { const cookie = cookies[i].trim(); if ( cookie.startsWith(name + '=') ) { return cookie.substring(name.length + 1); } } return ""; }; /* * set a cookie * @param name * @param value * @param use_prefix */ window.cmplz_set_cookie = function(name, value, use_prefix) { if (typeof document === 'undefined') { return; } use_prefix = typeof use_prefix !== 'undefined' ? use_prefix : true; const secure = window.location.protocol === "https:" ? ";secure" : ''; const date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (complianz.cookie_expiry * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); const expires = ";expires=" + date.toGMTString(); const domain = cmplz_get_cookie_domain(); const domainString = domain.length > 0 ? `;domain=${domain}` : ''; const prefix = use_prefix ? complianz.prefix : ''; const cookiePath = cmplz_get_cookie_path(); document.cookie = `${prefix}${name}=${value};SameSite=Lax${secure}${expires}${domainString};path=${cookiePath}`; } /* * Check if needle occurs in the haystack * @param needle * @param haystack * @returns {boolean} */ window.cmplz_in_array = function(needle, haystack) { return haystack.includes(needle); } /* * Retrieve the highest level of consent that has been given * * */ window.cmplz_highest_accepted_category = function() { const consentedCategories = cmplz_accepted_categories(); const priorityCategories = ['marketing', 'statistics', 'preferences']; for (let i = 0; i < priorityCategories.length; i++) { if (cmplz_in_array(priorityCategories[i], consentedCategories)) { return priorityCategories[i]; } } return 'functional'; } /* * Sets all accepted categories as class in body */ const cmplz_set_category_as_body_class = () => { const classList = document.body.classList; for (let i = classList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (classList[i].startsWith('cmplz-') && classList[i] !== 'cmplz-document') { classList.remove(classList[i]); } } const cats = cmplz_accepted_categories(); Object.values(cats).forEach(category => { if (typeof category === 'string') { classList.add('cmplz-' + category); } }); const services = cmplz_get_all_service_consents(); Object.entries(services).forEach(([service, consent]) => { if (consent) { classList.add('cmplz-' + service); } }); classList.add('cmplz-' + complianz.region, 'cmplz-' + complianz.consenttype); const event = new CustomEvent('cmplz_set_category_as_bodyclass'); document.dispatchEvent(event); } const cmplz_append_css = (css) => { const head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; const style = document.createElement('style'); style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); head.appendChild(style); } const cmplz_load_css = (path) => { const head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; const targetObj = document.createElement("link"); targetObj.rel = "stylesheet"; targetObj.type = "text/css"; targetObj.href = path; head.appendChild(targetObj); } /* * Run script, src or inline * @param script //src or inline script * @param category * @param type */ function cmplz_run_script( script, category, service, type, sourceObj ) { let targetObj = document.createElement("script"); if ( type !== 'inline' ) { targetObj.src = script; } else { if (typeof script !== 'string') { script = script.innerHTML; } targetObj.innerHTML = [script, 'cmplzScriptLoaded();'].join('\n'); } //check if already fired if ( cmplz_in_array( script, cmplz_fired_scripts) ) { return; } cmplzCopyAttributes(sourceObj, targetObj); try { if (type!=='inline') { targetObj.onload = function () { cmplz_run_after_all_scripts(category, service); cmplz_maybe_run_waiting_scripts(script, category, service, sourceObj); } } else { window.cmplzScriptLoaded = function() { cmplz_run_after_all_scripts(category, service); cmplz_maybe_run_waiting_scripts(script, category, service, sourceObj); } } document.head.appendChild(targetObj); } catch(exception) { //only runs in case of error cmplz_run_after_all_scripts(category, service); throw "Something went wrong " + exception + " while loading "+script; } } /* * Check if there are waiting scripts, and if so, run them. * @param script //src or inline script * @param category */ function cmplz_maybe_run_waiting_scripts( script, category, service, sourceObj ){ let waitingScript = cmplz_get_waiting_script(cmplz_waiting_scripts, script); if ( waitingScript ) { cmplz_run_script( waitingScript, category, service, 'src', sourceObj ); } let waiting_inline_script = cmplz_get_waiting_script(cmplz_waiting_inline_scripts, script); if (waiting_inline_script) { cmplz_run_script(waiting_inline_script, category, service, 'inline', sourceObj); } } const cmplzLazyLoader = () => { // Get all elements with the "lazy-load" class const cmplzLazyLoadElements = document.querySelectorAll('.cmplz-blocked-content-container'); // Create an Intersection Observer instance const cmplzObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => { entries.forEach((entry) => { if (entry.isIntersecting) { // When the element is in view, load the background image const element = entry.target; let src = element.getAttribute('data-placeholder-image'); if ( src ) { const index = element.getAttribute('data-placeholder_class_index'); cmplz_append_css('.cmplz-placeholder-' + index + ' {background-image: url(' + src + ') !important;}'); cmplz_set_blocked_content_container_aspect_ratio(element, src, index); } // Stop observing the element observer.unobserve(element); } }); }); // Start observing each lazy-load element cmplzLazyLoadElements.forEach((element) => { cmplzObserver.observe(element); }); } /* * Set placeholder image as background on the parent div, set notice, and handle height. * * */ function cmplz_set_blocked_content_container() { //to prevent this function to twice run on an element, we add an attribute to each element that has been processed. //then skip elements with that element. document.querySelectorAll('.cmplz-image').forEach(obj => { if ( obj.classList.contains('cmplz-processed') ) { return; } obj.classList.add('cmplz-processed' ); let service = obj.getAttribute('data-service'); let category = obj.getAttribute('data-category'); let blocked_image_container = obj.parentElement; blocked_image_container.classList.add('cmplz-blocked-content-container'); let curIndex = blocked_image_container.getAttribute('data-placeholder_class_index'); //handle browser native lazy load feature if (obj.getAttribute('loading') === 'lazy' ) { obj.removeAttribute('loading'); obj.setAttribute('data-deferlazy', 1); } if ( curIndex == null ) { cmplz_placeholder_class_index++; blocked_image_container.classList.add('cmplz-placeholder-' + cmplz_placeholder_class_index, 'cmplz-blocked-content-container'); blocked_image_container.setAttribute('data-placeholder_class_index', cmplz_placeholder_class_index); cmplz_insert_placeholder_text(blocked_image_container, category, service); } }); document.querySelectorAll('.cmplz-placeholder-element').forEach(obj => { if ( obj.classList.contains('cmplz-processed') ) { return; } obj.classList.add('cmplz-processed' ); let service = obj.getAttribute('data-service'); let category = obj.getAttribute('data-category'); //we set this element as container with placeholder image let blocked_content_container; if ( obj.classList.contains('cmplz-iframe')) { //handle browser native lazy load feature if ( obj.getAttribute('loading') === 'lazy' ) { obj.removeAttribute('loading'); obj.setAttribute('data-deferlazy', 1); } blocked_content_container = obj.parentElement; } else { blocked_content_container = obj; } let curIndex = blocked_content_container.getAttribute('data-placeholder_class_index'); //if the blocked content container class is already added, don't add it again if ( curIndex === null ) { cmplz_placeholder_class_index++; blocked_content_container.classList.add('cmplz-placeholder-' + cmplz_placeholder_class_index, 'cmplz-blocked-content-container'); blocked_content_container.setAttribute('data-placeholder_class_index', cmplz_placeholder_class_index); cmplz_insert_placeholder_text(blocked_content_container, category, service); //handle image size for video let src = obj.getAttribute('data-placeholder-image'); if (src && typeof src !== 'undefined' && src.length ) { //move src to parent, if needed. blocked_content_container.setAttribute('data-placeholder-image', src); } } }); cmplzLazyLoader(); /* * In some cases, like ajax loaded content, the placeholders are initialized again. In that case, the scripts may need to be fired again as well. * In case of an opt-out region and Do Not Track, a consent check will return 'allow', because it doesn't take DNT into account */ if ( cmplz_has_consent('statistics') ) { cmplz_enable_category('statistics'); } if ( cmplz_has_consent('marketing') ) { cmplz_enable_category('marketing'); } } function cmplz_insert_placeholder_text(container, category, service ){ if ( !container.querySelector( ".cmplz-blocked-content-notice" ) ) { let placeholder_text = complianz.placeholdertext; category = category || 'marketing'; let body; if ( typeof placeholder_text !== 'undefined' ) { if ( complianz.clean_cookies == 1 ) { //make service human readable let service_nicename = service ? service.replace('-', ' ') : ''; service_nicename = service_nicename.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + service_nicename.slice(1); placeholder_text = placeholder_text.replace('{service}', service_nicename); body = cmplz_create_element('div', placeholder_text); body.innerHTML = placeholder_text; body.classList.add('cmplz-blocked-content-notice'); let btn = body.querySelector('button'); btn.setAttribute('data-service', service); btn.setAttribute('data-category', category); btn.setAttribute( 'aria-label', complianz.aria_label.replace('{service}', service_nicename) ); let pageLinks = complianz.page_links[complianz.region]; let link = body.querySelector('.cmplz-links a'); if ( pageLinks && pageLinks.hasOwnProperty('cookie-statement') ) { link.setAttribute('href', pageLinks['cookie-statement']['url']); if (link.innerText === '{title}') { link.innerText = pageLinks['cookie-statement']['title']; } } } else { let btn = cmplz_create_element('button', ''); let category_nicename = complianz.categories.hasOwnProperty(category) ? complianz.categories[category] : 'marketing'; btn.innerText = placeholder_text.replace('{category}', category_nicename); btn.classList.add('cmplz-blocked-content-notice', 'cmplz-accept-category', 'cmplz-accept-'+category); //'cmplz-accept-'+category is deprecated btn.setAttribute('data-service', service ); btn.setAttribute('data-category', category ); btn.setAttribute( 'aria-label', complianz.aria_label.replace('{category}', category) ); body=btn; } if ( container.tagName!=='VIDEO' ) { container.appendChild(body); } else{ container.parentElement.appendChild(body); } } } } /* * Set the height of an image relative to the width, depending on the image widht/height aspect ratio. * * * */ function cmplz_set_blocked_content_container_aspect_ratio(container, src, placeholder_class_index) { if (container == null) return; // Handle image size for video let img = new Image(); img.addEventListener("load", function() { let imgWidth = this.naturalWidth || 1; let imgHeight = this.naturalHeight; let w = container.clientWidth; let h = imgHeight * (w / imgWidth); let heightCSS = src.indexOf('placeholder.jpg') === -1 ? 'height:' + h + 'px;' : ''; cmplz_append_css('.cmplz-placeholder-' + placeholder_class_index + ' {' + heightCSS + '}'); }); img.src = src; } /* * Keep window aspect ratio in sync when window resizes * To lower the number of times this code is executed, it is done with a timeout. * * */ var cmplzResizeTimer; window.addEventListener('resize', function(event) { clearTimeout(cmplzResizeTimer); cmplzResizeTimer = setTimeout( cmplz_set_blocked_content_container, 500); }, true); /* * we run this function also on an interval, because with ajax loaded content, the placeholders would otherwise not be handled. */ if ( complianz.block_ajax_content == 1 ) { setInterval(function () { cmplz_set_blocked_content_container(); }, 2000); } /* * Check if there are any blocked scripts on the page * @returns {boolean} */ function cmplz_has_blocked_scripts(){ let scriptElements = document.querySelectorAll('script[data-category], script[data-service]'); return scriptElements.length>0; } /* * Enable scripts that were blocked * * */ function cmplz_enable_category(category, service) { if ( complianz.tm_categories == 1 && category !== '') { cmplz_run_tm_event(category); } let details = {}; details.category = category; details.categories = cmplz_accepted_categories(); details.region = complianz.region; let event = new CustomEvent('cmplz_before_category', { detail: details }); document.dispatchEvent(event); service = typeof service !== 'undefined' ? service : 'do_not_match'; if ( category === '' ) category = 'do_not_match'; if ( category === 'functional' ) { return; } //enable cookies for integrations if ( category === 'marketing' ) { cmplz_set_integrations_cookies(); } //remove accept cookie notice overlay let selector; if (service !== 'do_not_match') { selector = '.cmplz-blocked-content-notice [data-service="'+service+'"]'; } else { selector = complianz.clean_cookies!=1 ? '.cmplz-blocked-content-notice.cmplz-accept-'+category : '.cmplz-blocked-content-notice [data-category="'+category+'"]'; } document.querySelectorAll(selector).forEach(obj => { let blockedElementService = obj.getAttribute('data-service'); if (obj.parentNode.classList.contains('cmplz-blocked-content-notice')) { obj = obj.parentNode; } //only remove if the service is not explicitly denied if ( !cmplz_is_service_denied(blockedElementService) ) { obj.parentNode.removeChild(obj); } }); document.querySelectorAll('[data-category="'+category+'"], [data-service="'+service+'"]').forEach(obj => { //if a category is activated, but this specific service is denied, skip. let elementService = obj.getAttribute('data-service'); if ( cmplz_is_service_denied(elementService) ) { return; } //if native class is included, it isn't blocked, so will have run already if ( obj.getAttribute('data-category') === 'functional' ) { return; } if ( obj.classList.contains('cmplz-activated') ) { return; } let tagName = obj.tagName; if (tagName==='LINK'){ obj.classList.add('cmplz-activated' ); let src = obj.getAttribute('data-href'); cmplz_load_css( src, category); } else if (tagName ==='IMG'){ obj.classList.add('cmplz-activated' ); let src = obj.getAttribute('data-src-cmplz'); obj.setAttribute('src', src); //handle browser native lazy load feature if ( obj.getAttribute('data-deferlazy') ) { obj.setAttribute('loading', 'lazy'); } cmplz_remove_placeholder(obj); } else if (tagName==='IFRAME'){ obj.classList.add('cmplz-activated' ); let src = obj.getAttribute('data-src-cmplz'); let srcAttribute = obj.getAttribute('data-cmplz-target') ? obj.getAttribute('data-cmplz-target') : 'src'; //check if there's an autoplay value we need to pass on, if it's added later on by javascript let autoplay = cmplz_get_url_parameter(obj.getAttribute(srcAttribute), 'autoplay'); if ( autoplay === '1' ) src = src + '&autoplay=1'; //handle browser native lazy load feature if ( obj.getAttribute('data-deferlazy') ) { obj.setAttribute('loading', 'lazy'); } obj.addEventListener('load', () => { cmplz_remove_placeholder(obj); }); obj.setAttribute(srcAttribute, src); } else if (obj.classList.contains('cmplz-placeholder-element')) { obj.classList.add('cmplz-activated' ); //other services, no iframe, with placeholders //remove the added classes let cssIndex = obj.getAttribute('data-placeholder_class_index'); obj.classList.remove('cmplz-blocked-content-container', 'cmplz-placeholder-' + cssIndex); } }); /* * Let's activate the scripts */ //create list of waiting scripts let scriptElements = document.querySelectorAll('script[data-category="'+category+'"], script[data-service="'+service+'"]'); scriptElements.forEach(obj => { let waitfor = obj.getAttribute('data-waitfor'); let src = obj.getAttribute('data-cmplz-src'); if ( waitfor ) { if ( src ) { cmplz_waiting_scripts[waitfor] = src; } else if ( obj.innerText.length > 0 ) { cmplz_waiting_inline_scripts[waitfor] = obj; } } //cleanup after adding it to our waiting or scriptElements list. if (obj.parentElement) { obj.parentElement.removeChild(obj); } }); //scripts: remove text/plain, and move data-src attribute to src attribute scriptElements.forEach(obj => { //we don't want already activate scripts to fire, but also we don't want scripts that weren't blocked to fire. Hence the check for type let script_mime_type = obj.getAttribute('type'); if ( obj.classList.contains('cmplz-activated') || ( !script_mime_type || script_mime_type==='text/javascript' ) ) { return; } obj.classList.add('cmplz-activated' ); let src = obj.getAttribute('data-cmplz-src'); if ( src ) { obj.removeAttribute('type'); //check if this src or txt is in a waiting script. If so, skip. if ( cmplz_is_waiting_script(cmplz_waiting_scripts, src) ) { return; } if ( obj.getAttribute('data-post_scribe_id') ) { let psID = '#' + obj.getAttribute('data-post_scribe_id'); let postScribeObj = document.querySelector(psID); if ( postScribeObj ) { postScribeObj.innerHtml(''); postscribe(psID, ''); } } else { cmplz_run_script(src, category, service, 'src', obj ); } } else if (obj.innerText.length > 0 ) { //check if this src or txt is in a waiting script. If so, skip. if (cmplz_is_waiting_script(cmplz_waiting_inline_scripts, obj.innerText )) { return; } cmplz_run_script( obj.innerText, category, service, 'inline', obj ); } }); // if there are no blockable scripts at all, we still want to provide a hook // in most cases, there are blocked scripts, and run_after_all_scripts hook won't be fired yet. In that // case only the category event is fired (if activated), and this function will run // again from the script activation callbacks. cmplz_run_after_all_scripts(category, service); } /* * remove added classes from the blocked content container * * @param obj */ function cmplz_remove_placeholder(obj) { let blocked_content_container = obj.closest('.cmplz-blocked-content-container'); if (blocked_content_container) { let cssIndex = blocked_content_container.getAttribute('data-placeholder_class_index'); blocked_content_container.classList.remove('cmplz-blocked-content-container', 'cmplz-placeholder-' + cssIndex); } obj.classList.remove('cmplz-iframe-styles', 'cmplz-iframe', 'video-wrap'); } /* * check if the passed source has a waiting script that should be executed, and return it if so. * @param waiting_scripts * @param src * @returns {*} */ function cmplz_get_waiting_script( waiting_scripts, src ) { for ( let waitfor in waiting_scripts ) { if ( waiting_scripts.hasOwnProperty(waitfor)) { if ( src.indexOf(waitfor) !== -1 ) { let output = waiting_scripts[waitfor]; delete waiting_scripts[waitfor]; return output; } } } return false; } /* * Because we need a key=>value array in javascript, the .length check for an empty array doesn't work. * @param arr * @returns {boolean} */ function cmplz_array_is_empty(arr) { for (let key in arr) { if (arr.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return false; } } return true; } /* * Check if the passed src or script is waiting for another script and should not execute * @param waiting_scripts * @param srcOrScript */ function cmplz_is_waiting_script(waiting_scripts, srcOrScript) { for (let waitfor in waiting_scripts) { if ( waiting_scripts.hasOwnProperty(waitfor) ) { let waitingScript = waiting_scripts[waitfor]; if (typeof waitingScript !== 'string') waitingScript = waitingScript.innerText; if (srcOrScript.indexOf(waitingScript) !== -1 || waitingScript.indexOf(srcOrScript) !== -1) { return true; } } } return false; } /* * if all scripts have been executed, fire a hook. */ function cmplz_run_after_all_scripts(category, service) { //fire an event so custom scripts can hook into this. let enableService = service!=='do_not_match' && !cmplz_in_array(service, cmplz_fired_service_events ); let enableCategory = category!=='do_not_match' && !cmplz_in_array( category, cmplz_fired_category_events ); if ( enableCategory || enableService ) { if (enableCategory) { cmplz_fired_category_events.push(category); } if (enableService) { cmplz_fired_service_events.push(service); } let details = {}; details.category = category; details.service = service; details.categories = cmplz_accepted_categories(); details.services = cmplz_get_all_service_consents(); details.region = complianz.region; let event = new CustomEvent('cmplz_enable_category', { detail: details }); document.dispatchEvent(event); } if ( !cmplz_all_scripts_hook_fired && cmplz_array_is_empty(cmplz_waiting_inline_scripts) && cmplz_array_is_empty(cmplz_waiting_scripts) ) { let event = new CustomEvent('cmplz_run_after_all_scripts', { detail: category, service:service}); document.dispatchEvent(event); cmplz_all_scripts_hook_fired = true; } } /* * Fire an event in Tag Manager * * * */ var cmplz_fired_events = []; function cmplz_run_tm_event(category) { if (cmplz_fired_events.indexOf(category) === -1) { cmplz_fired_events.push(category); window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; window.dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'cmplz_event_'+category }); let event = new CustomEvent('cmplz_tag_manager_event', { detail: category }); document.dispatchEvent(event); } } /* * Accept all categories */ window.cmplz_accept_all = function(){ cmplz_clear_all_service_consents(); cmplz_fire_before_categories_consent(cmplz_categories); for (let key in cmplz_categories) { if ( cmplz_categories.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { cmplz_set_consent(cmplz_categories[key], 'allow'); } } cmplz_sync_category_checkboxes(); } function cmplz_fire_before_categories_consent(categories){ let details = {}; details.categories = categories; details.region = complianz.region; let event = new CustomEvent('cmplz_before_categories_consent', { detail: details }); document.dispatchEvent(event); } /* * Deny all categories, and reload if needed. */ window.cmplz_deny_all = function(){ for (let key in cmplz_categories) { if ( cmplz_categories.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { cmplz_set_consent(cmplz_categories[key], 'deny'); } } let consentLevel = cmplz_highest_accepted_category(); let reload = false; if (consentLevel !== 'functional' || cmplz_exists_service_consent() ) { reload = true; } if ( cmplz_clear_cookies('cmplz_service') ) { reload = true; } //has to be after the check if should be reloaded, otherwise that check won't work. cmplz_clear_all_service_consents(); cmplz_integrations_revoke(); cmplz_fire_categories_event(); cmplz_track_status(); let event = new CustomEvent('cmplz_revoke', { detail: reload }); document.dispatchEvent(event); //we need to let the iab extension handle the reload, otherwise the consent revoke might not be ready yet. if ( !complianz.tcf_active && reload ) { cmplz_reload_browser_compatible(); } } /* * If current cookie policy has changed, reset cookie consent * * */ function cmplz_check_cookie_policy_id() { let user_policy_id = cmplz_get_cookie('policy_id'); if (user_policy_id && (parseInt(complianz.current_policy_id) !== parseInt(user_policy_id) ) ) { cmplz_deny_all(); cmplz_set_banner_status('show'); cmplz_clear_cookies('cmplz'); } } window.conditionally_show_banner = function() { //merge userdata with complianz data, in case a b testing is used with user specific cookie banner data //objects are merged so user_data will override data in complianz object complianz = cmplz_merge_object( complianz, cmplz_user_data ); //check if we need to redirect to another legal document, for a specific region cmplz_maybe_auto_redirect(); cmplz_set_blocked_content_container(); /* * Integration with WordPress, tell what kind of consent type we're using, then fire an event */ window.wp_consent_type = complianz.consenttype; let event = new CustomEvent('wp_consent_type_defined'); document.dispatchEvent( event ); event = new CustomEvent('cmplz_before_cookiebanner' ); document.dispatchEvent(event); if ( complianz.forceEnableStats == 1 && complianz.consenttype === 'optin' ) { cmplz_set_consent('statistics', 'allow'); } let rev_cats = cmplz_categories.reverse(); let consented_categories = []; for (let key in rev_cats) { if ( rev_cats.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { let category = cmplz_categories[key]; if ( cmplz_has_consent(category) ) { consented_categories.push(category); } } } cmplz_fire_before_categories_consent(consented_categories); for (let key in consented_categories) { if ( rev_cats.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { let category = consented_categories[key]; cmplz_enable_category(category); } } if ( cmplz_exists_service_consent() ) { //if any service is enabled, allow the general services also, because some services are partially 'general' cmplz_enable_category('', 'general'); let services = cmplz_get_services_on_page(); for (let key in services) { if ( services.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { let service = services[key].service; let category = services[key].category; if ( cmplz_has_service_consent( service, category )) { document.querySelectorAll('.cmplz-accept-service[data-service="' + service + '"]').forEach(obj => { obj.checked = true; }); cmplz_enable_category('', service); } } } } cmplz_sync_category_checkboxes(); cmplz_integrations_init(); cmplz_check_cookie_policy_id(); cmplz_set_up_auto_dismiss(); //if we're on the cookie policy page, we dynamically load the applicable revoke checkbox cmplz_load_manage_consent_container(); event = new CustomEvent('cmplz_cookie_banner_data', { detail: complianz }); document.dispatchEvent(event); //if no categories were saved before, we do it now if ( cmplz_get_cookie('saved_categories') === '' ) { //for Non optin/optout visitors, and DNT users, we just track the no-warning option if ( complianz.consenttype !== 'optin' && complianz.consenttype !== 'optout' ) { cmplz_track_status( 'no_warning' ); } else if ( cmplz_do_not_track() ) { cmplz_track_status('do_not_track' ); } } cmplz_set_category_as_body_class(); //fire cats event, but do not fire a track, as we do this on exit. cmplz_fire_categories_event(); if ( !cmplz_do_not_track() ) { if (complianz.consenttype === 'optin') { if (complianz.forceEnableStats) { cmplz_enable_category('statistics'); } console.log('opt-in'); show_cookie_banner(); } else if (complianz.consenttype === 'optout') { console.log('opt-out'); show_cookie_banner(); } else { console.log('other consent type, no cookie warning'); //on other consent types, all scripts are enabled by default. cmplz_accept_all(); } } else { console.log('global privacy control or do not track detected: no banner.'); cmplz_track_status( 'do_not_track' ); } } /** * Check if User has set either GPC or DNT in the browser. * @returns {boolean} */ function cmplz_do_not_track(){ let dnt = 'doNotTrack' in navigator && navigator.doNotTrack === '1'; let gpc = 'globalPrivacyControl' in navigator && navigator.globalPrivacyControl; return !!(complianz.do_not_track_enabled && (gpc || dnt)); } /* * Get list of services active on the page * @returns {*[]} */ function cmplz_get_services_on_page(){ let services=[]; document.querySelectorAll('[data-service]').forEach(obj => { let service = obj.getAttribute('data-service'); let category = obj.getAttribute('data-category'); if ( services.indexOf(service)==-1 ) { services.push({ 'category': category, 'service':service, }); } }); return services; } /* * Run the actual cookie warning * * */ window.show_cookie_banner = function () { let disableCookiebanner = complianz.disable_cookiebanner || cmplz_is_speedbot(); //do not show banner when manage consent area on cookie policy is visible //when users use only the shortcode, the manage consent container is not active, but the dropdown cookie policy class is. //when the complianz shortcode is used, the dropdown cookie policy class is loaded late because it's loaded with javascript. let tmpDismissCookiebanner = false; if ( document.querySelector('#cmplz-manage-consent-container') || document.querySelector('.cmplz-dropdown-cookiepolicy') ) { tmpDismissCookiebanner = true; } const container = document.getElementById('cmplz-cookiebanner-container'); if (container) { document.body.prepend(container); } let link = document.createElement("link"); let pageLinks = complianz.page_links[complianz.region]; //get correct banner, based on banner_id cmplz_banner = document.querySelector('.cmplz-cookiebanner.banner-'+complianz.user_banner_id+'.'+complianz.consenttype); if ( !cmplz_banner ) { disableCookiebanner = true; } cmplz_manage_consent_button = document.querySelector('#cmplz-manage-consent .cmplz-manage-consent.manage-consent-'+complianz.user_banner_id); let css_file_url = complianz.css_file.replace('{type}', complianz.consenttype ).replace('{banner_id}', complianz.user_banner_id); if ( complianz.css_file.indexOf('cookiebanner/css/defaults/banner') !== -1 ) { console.log('Fallback default css file used. Please re-save banner settings, or check file writing permissions in uploads directory'); } link.href = css_file_url; link.type = "text/css"; link.rel = "stylesheet"; link.onload = function () { if ( !disableCookiebanner ) { cmplz_banner.classList.remove('cmplz-hidden'); cmplz_manage_consent_button.classList.remove('cmplz-hidden'); } } document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(link); if ( cmplz_banner && !disableCookiebanner ) { cmplz_banner.querySelectorAll('.cmplz-links a:not(.cmplz-external), .cmplz-buttons a:not(.cmplz-external)').forEach(obj => { let docElement = obj; docElement.classList.add('cmplz-hidden'); for (let pageType in pageLinks ) { if (pageLinks.hasOwnProperty(pageType) && docElement.classList.contains(pageType)) { docElement.setAttribute('href', pageLinks[pageType]['url'] + docElement.getAttribute('data-relative_url')); if ( docElement.innerText === '{title}') { docElement.innerText = cmplz_html_decode(pageLinks[pageType]['title']); } docElement.classList.remove('cmplz-hidden'); } } }); cmplz_set_banner_status(); //we don't use the setBannerStatus function here, as we don't want to save it in a cookie now. if ( tmpDismissCookiebanner ) { cmplz_banner.classList.remove('cmplz-show'); cmplz_banner.classList.add('cmplz-dismissed'); cmplz_manage_consent_button.classList.remove('cmplz-dismissed'); cmplz_manage_consent_button.classList.add('cmplz-show'); } } let event = new CustomEvent('cmplz_cookie_warning_loaded', {detail: complianz.region}); document.dispatchEvent(event); } /* * Get the status of the banner: dismissed | show * @returns {string} */ window.cmplz_get_banner_status = function (){ return cmplz_get_cookie('banner-status'); } /* * Set the banner status so it will be either shown or dismissed, and store it in a cookie. * @param status (optional) */ window.cmplz_set_banner_status = function ( status ){ let prevStatus = cmplz_get_cookie('banner-status'); status = typeof status !== 'undefined' ? status : prevStatus; if ( status !== prevStatus ) { cmplz_set_cookie( 'banner-status', status ); } if (status.length===0){ status = 'show'; } if (status==='show') { prevStatus = 'dismissed'; } else { prevStatus = 'show'; } if ( cmplz_banner && status.length>0 ) { cmplz_banner.classList.remove('cmplz-'+prevStatus); cmplz_banner.classList.add('cmplz-'+status ); if ( cmplz_manage_consent_button ) { cmplz_manage_consent_button.classList.add('cmplz-'+prevStatus); cmplz_manage_consent_button.classList.remove('cmplz-'+status); } } if ( cmplz_banner_container && complianz.soft_cookiewall ) { cmplz_banner_container.classList.remove('cmplz-'+prevStatus); cmplz_banner_container.classList.add('cmplz-'+status, 'cmplz-soft-cookiewall' ); } let event = new CustomEvent('cmplz_banner_status', { detail: status }); document.dispatchEvent(event); cmplz_start_clean(); } /* * Check if current visitor is a bot * * @returns {boolean} */ function cmplz_is_bot(){ let botPattern = "(googlebot\/|Googlebot-Mobile|Google-InspectionTool|Googlebot-Image|Google favicon|Mediapartners-Google|bingbot|slurp|java|wget|curl|Commons-HttpClient|Python-urllib|libwww|httpunit|nutch|phpcrawl|msnbot|jyxobot|FAST-WebCrawler|FAST Enterprise Crawler|biglotron|teoma|convera|seekbot|gigablast|exabot|ngbot|ia_archiver|GingerCrawler|webmon |httrack|webcrawler|grub.org|UsineNouvelleCrawler|antibot|netresearchserver|speedy|fluffy|bibnum.bnf|findlink|msrbot|panscient|yacybot|AISearchBot|IOI|ips-agent|tagoobot|MJ12bot|dotbot|woriobot|yanga|buzzbot|mlbot|yandexbot|purebot|Linguee Bot|Voyager|CyberPatrol|voilabot|baiduspider|citeseerxbot|spbot|twengabot|postrank|turnitinbot|scribdbot|page2rss|sitebot|linkdex|Adidxbot|blekkobot|ezooms|dotbot|Mail.RU_Bot|discobot|heritrix|findthatfile|europarchive.org|NerdByNature.Bot|sistrix crawler|ahrefsbot|Aboundex|domaincrawler|wbsearchbot|summify|ccbot|edisterbot|seznambot|ec2linkfinder|gslfbot|aihitbot|intelium_bot|facebookexternalhit|yeti|RetrevoPageAnalyzer|lb-spider|sogou|lssbot|careerbot|wotbox|wocbot|ichiro|DuckDuckBot|lssrocketcrawler|drupact|webcompanycrawler|acoonbot|openindexspider|gnam gnam spider|web-archive-net.com.bot|backlinkcrawler|coccoc|integromedb|content crawler spider|toplistbot|seokicks-robot|it2media-domain-crawler|ip-web-crawler.com|siteexplorer.info|elisabot|proximic|changedetection|blexbot|arabot|WeSEE:Search|niki-bot|CrystalSemanticsBot|rogerbot|360Spider|psbot|InterfaxScanBot|Lipperhey SEO Service|CC Metadata Scaper|g00g1e.net|GrapeshotCrawler|urlappendbot|brainobot|fr-crawler|binlar|SimpleCrawler|Livelapbot|Twitterbot|cXensebot|smtbot|bnf.fr_bot|A6-Indexer|ADmantX|Facebot|Twitterbot|OrangeBot|memorybot|AdvBot|MegaIndex|SemanticScholarBot|ltx71|nerdybot|xovibot|BUbiNG|Qwantify|archive.org_bot|Applebot|TweetmemeBot|crawler4j|findxbot|SemrushBot|yoozBot|lipperhey|y!j-asr|Domain Re-Animator Bot|AddThis)"; let reBot = new RegExp(botPattern, 'i'); let userAgent = navigator.userAgent; return reBot.test(userAgent); } /* * Check if current visitor is a speedbot * * @returns {boolean} */ function cmplz_is_speedbot(){ let userAgent = navigator.userAgent; let speedBotPattern = "(GTmetrix|pingdom|pingbot|Lighthouse)"; let speedBot = new RegExp(speedBotPattern, 'i'); return speedBot.test(userAgent); } /* * Check if there is consent for a category or service * @param category * @returns {boolean} */ window.cmplz_has_consent = function ( category ){ if ( cmplz_is_bot() ) { return true; } if ( category === 'functional' ) { return true; } let has_consent, value; //if DNT is detected, we should only return the actual cookie value, and not look at the consenttype if ( cmplz_do_not_track() ){ value = cmplz_get_cookie(category); has_consent = (value === 'allow'); return has_consent; } /* * categories */ value = cmplz_get_cookie(category); if ( (complianz.consenttype === 'optout' || complianz.consenttype === 'other') && value === '') { //if it's opt out and no cookie is set we should return true has_consent = true; } else { //all other situations, return only true if value is allow has_consent = (value === 'allow'); } return has_consent; } /* * Check if a service has consent * @param service * @returns {boolean|*} */ window.cmplz_is_service_denied = function ( service ) { //Check if it's in the consented services cookie let consented_services_json = cmplz_get_cookie('consented_services'); let consented_services; try { consented_services = JSON.parse(consented_services_json); } catch (e) { consented_services = {}; } if ( !consented_services.hasOwnProperty( service ) ){ return false; } else { return !consented_services[service]; } } /* * Check if a service has consent * @param service * @param category * @returns {boolean|*} */ window.cmplz_has_service_consent = function ( service, category ) { //Check if it's in the consented services cookie let consented_services_json = cmplz_get_cookie('consented_services'); let consented_services; try { consented_services = JSON.parse(consented_services_json); } catch (e) { consented_services = {}; } if ( !consented_services.hasOwnProperty( service ) ){ //default to the category return cmplz_has_consent( category ); } else { return consented_services[service]; } } /* * check if there's at least one service with consent * @returns {boolean} */ function cmplz_exists_service_consent(){ let consented_services_json = cmplz_get_cookie('consented_services'); let consented_services; try { consented_services = JSON.parse(consented_services_json); for (const key in consented_services) { if ( consented_services.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { if (consented_services[key] == true) { return true; } } } } catch (e) { return false; } return false; } /* * Set consent for a service * @param service * @param consented */ function cmplz_set_service_consent( service, consented ){ let consented_services_json = cmplz_get_cookie('consented_services'); let consented_services; try { consented_services = JSON.parse(consented_services_json); } catch (e) { consented_services = {}; } consented_services[service] = consented; cmplz_set_cookie('consented_services', JSON.stringify(consented_services) ); let details = {}; details.service = service; details.value = consented; details.region = complianz.region; //when the status is changed, we may need to fire scripts again, so we reset it. cmplz_all_scripts_hook_fired = false; let event = new CustomEvent('cmplz_status_change_service', { detail: details }); document.dispatchEvent(event); } /* * Remove all service consents */ function cmplz_clear_all_service_consents(){ cmplz_set_cookie('consented_services', ''); } /* * Get all consented or denied services */ function cmplz_get_all_service_consents(){ let consented_services_json = cmplz_get_cookie('consented_services'); let consented_services; try { consented_services = JSON.parse(consented_services_json); } catch (e) { consented_services = {}; } return consented_services; } /* * Get cookie path * @returns {*} */ function cmplz_get_cookie_path(){ return typeof complianz.cookie_path !== 'undefined' && complianz.cookie_path !== '' ? complianz.cookie_path : '/'; } /* * retrieve domain to set the cookies on * @returns {string} */ function cmplz_get_cookie_domain() { if (complianz.set_cookies_on_root == 1 && complianz.cookie_domain.length > 3 && !complianz.cookie_domain.includes('localhost')) { return complianz.cookie_domain; } return ''; } /* * Set consent for a category * @param category * @param value */ window.cmplz_set_consent = function (category, value){ cmplz_set_accepted_cookie_policy_id(); //functional is always allow value = category==='functional' ? 'allow' : value; let previous_value = cmplz_get_cookie(category); //keep checkboxes in banner and on cookie policy in sync //do this before the change check to ensure sync: https://github.com/Really-Simple-Plugins/complianz-gdpr/issues/324 let checked = value === 'allow'; document.querySelectorAll('input.cmplz-'+category).forEach(obj => { obj.checked = checked; }); //do not trigger a change event if nothing has changed. if ( previous_value === value ) { return; } cmplz_set_cookie(category, value); if ( value === 'allow' ) { cmplz_enable_category(category); } cmplz_wp_set_consent(category, value); if ( category === 'statistics' ) { cmplz_wp_set_consent('statistics-anonymous', 'allow'); } let details = new Object(); details.category = category; details.value = value; details.region = complianz.region; details.categories = cmplz_accepted_categories(); //when the status is changed, we may need to fire scripts again, so we reset it. cmplz_all_scripts_hook_fired = false; let event = new CustomEvent('cmplz_status_change', { detail: details }); document.dispatchEvent(event); if ( category === 'marketing' && value === 'deny' && previous_value === 'allow' ) { cmplz_integrations_revoke(); //give the code some time to finish, so our track status code can send a signal to the backend. setTimeout(function(){ cmplz_reload_browser_compatible() }, 500); } } /* * In some browsers, like firefox, the reload does not force reload, but keeps cached data, causing e.g. Google Maps to load anyway. */ function cmplz_reload_browser_compatible(){ if( navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1 ){ const url = new URL(window.location.href); url.searchParams.set('cmplz-force-reload', Date.now().toString()); window.location.href = url.toString(); } else { window.location.reload(); } } /* * We use ajax to check the consenttype based on region, otherwise caching could prevent the user specific warning * * */ var cmplz_user_data = []; //check if it's already stored if (typeof (Storage) !== "undefined" && sessionStorage.cmplz_user_data) { cmplz_user_data = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.cmplz_user_data); } //if not stored yet, load. As features in the user object can be changed on updates, we also check for the version if ( complianz.geoip == 1 && (cmplz_user_data.length == 0 || (cmplz_user_data.version !== complianz.version) || (cmplz_user_data.banner_version !== complianz.banner_version)) ) { let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); let cmplzUserRegion = cmplz_get_url_parameter(window.location.href, 'cmplz_user_region'); cmplzUserRegion = cmplzUserRegion ? '&cmplz_user_region=' + cmplzUserRegion : ''; request.open('GET', complianz.url+'banner?'+complianz.locale+cmplzUserRegion, true); request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/json'); request.send(); request.onload = function() { cmplz_user_data = JSON.parse(request.response); sessionStorage.cmplz_user_data = JSON.stringify(cmplz_user_data); conditionally_show_banner(); }; } else { conditionally_show_banner(); } /* * when ab testing, or using records of consent, we want to keep track of the unique user id */ if ( complianz.store_consent == 1 ) { var cmplz_id_cookie = cmplz_get_cookie('id'); var cmplz_id_session = ''; var cmplz_id = ''; if (typeof (Storage) !== "undefined" && sessionStorage.cmplz_id) { cmplz_id_session = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.cmplz_id); } if ( cmplz_id_cookie.length == 0 && cmplz_id_session.length > 0 ) { cmplz_id = cmplz_id_session; cmplz_set_cookie('id', cmplz_id ); } if ( cmplz_id_cookie.length > 0 && cmplz_id_session.length == 0 ) { cmplz_id = cmplz_id_cookie; } if ( typeof (Storage) !== "undefined" ) { sessionStorage.cmplz_id = JSON.stringify(cmplz_id); } } // visibilitychange and pagehide work in more browsers hence we check if they are supported and try to use them document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function () { if ( document.visibilityState === 'hidden' ) { cmplz_track_status_end(); } }); window.addEventListener("pagehide", cmplz_track_status_end, false ); window.addEventListener("beforeunload", cmplz_track_status_end, false ); function cmplz_track_status_end(){ if ( !cmplz_consent_stored_once ) { cmplz_track_status(); } } /* * This creates an API which devs can use to trigger actions in complianz. */ document.addEventListener('cmplz_consent_action', function (e) { cmplz_set_consent( e.detail.category , 'allow' ); cmplz_fire_categories_event(); cmplz_track_status(); }); /* * For both opt-in and opt-out, clicking cmplz-accept should result in accepting all categories */ cmplz_add_event('click', '.cmplz-accept', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); setTimeout( () => { cmplz_accept_all(); cmplz_set_banner_status('dismissed'); cmplz_fire_categories_event(); cmplz_track_status(); },0); }); /* * Accept marketing cookies by clicking any other link cookie acceptance from a custom link */ //cmplz-accept-marketing is deprecated cmplz_add_event('click', '.cmplz-accept-category, .cmplz-accept-marketing', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); let obj = e.target; let service = obj.getAttribute('data-service'); let category = obj.getAttribute('data-category'); category = category ? category : 'marketing'; if ( complianz.clean_cookies == 1 && typeof service !== 'undefined' && service ){ cmplz_set_service_consent(service, true); cmplz_enable_category('', 'general'); cmplz_enable_category('', service); } else { //we're activating a category, so do not need service activation here. // cmplz_enable_category('', 'general'); cmplz_set_consent( category, 'allow' ); } cmplz_set_banner_status('dismissed'); cmplz_fire_categories_event(); cmplz_track_status(); }); /* * Accept a specific service */ cmplz_add_event('click', '.cmplz-accept-service', function(e){ let obj = e.target; //INPUT should be handled by change event, these are checkboxes on the cookie policy let tagName = obj.tagName; if ( tagName === 'INPUT' ) { return; } let service = obj.getAttribute('data-service'); if ( typeof service !== 'undefined' ){ cmplz_set_service_consent(service, true); cmplz_enable_category('', 'general'); cmplz_enable_category('', service); } cmplz_fire_categories_event(); cmplz_track_status(); }); /* * Accept a specific service */ cmplz_add_event('change', '.cmplz-accept-service', function(e){ let obj = e.target; let tagName = obj.tagName; let service = obj.getAttribute('data-service'); if ( typeof service !== 'undefined' ) { //inputs are from the consent per service option on the cookie policy. if ( tagName === 'INPUT' ) { cmplz_set_banner_status('dismissed'); if ( obj.checked ){ cmplz_set_service_consent(service, true); cmplz_enable_category('', service); } else { cmplz_set_service_consent(service, false); //give our track status time to finish setTimeout(function(){ cmplz_reload_browser_compatible() }, 500); } //if not input, it's a placeholder } else { e.preventDefault(); cmplz_set_service_consent(service, true); cmplz_enable_category('', 'general'); cmplz_enable_category('', service); //give our track status time to finish setTimeout(function(){ cmplz_reload_browser_compatible() }, 500); } } cmplz_fire_categories_event(); cmplz_track_status(); }); /* * On the banner, clicking a category should fire the category only after the save button is clicked. * */ cmplz_add_event('click', '.cmplz-save-preferences', function(e){ let obj = e.target; cmplz_banner = obj.closest('.cmplz-cookiebanner'); let consented_categories = []; for (let key in cmplz_categories) { if ( cmplz_categories.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { let category = cmplz_categories[key]; let categoryElement = cmplz_banner.querySelector('input.cmplz-' + category); if (categoryElement && categoryElement.checked) { consented_categories.push(category); } } } cmplz_fire_before_categories_consent(consented_categories); for (let key in cmplz_categories) { if ( cmplz_categories.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { let category = cmplz_categories[key]; if (consented_categories.includes(category)) { cmplz_set_consent(category, 'allow'); } else { cmplz_set_consent(category, 'deny'); } } } cmplz_set_banner_status('dismissed'); cmplz_fire_categories_event(); cmplz_track_status(); }); cmplz_add_event('click', '.cmplz-close', function(e){ cmplz_set_banner_status('dismissed'); }); cmplz_add_event('click', '.cmplz-view-preferences', function(e){ let obj = e.target; cmplz_banner = obj.closest('.cmplz-cookiebanner'); if ( cmplz_banner.querySelector('.cmplz-categories').classList.contains('cmplz-fade-in')) { cmplz_banner.classList.remove('cmplz-categories-visible'); cmplz_banner.querySelector('.cmplz-categories' ).classList.remove('cmplz-fade-in'); cmplz_banner.querySelector('.cmplz-view-preferences' ).style.display = 'block'; cmplz_banner.querySelector('.cmplz-save-preferences' ).style.display = 'none'; } else { cmplz_banner.classList.add('cmplz-categories-visible'); cmplz_banner.querySelector('.cmplz-categories' ).classList.add('cmplz-fade-in'); cmplz_banner.querySelector('.cmplz-view-preferences' ).style.display = 'none'; cmplz_banner.querySelector('.cmplz-save-preferences' ).style.display = 'block'; } }); /* * On the cookie policy, clicking a category should fire the category immediately * */ cmplz_add_event('change', '.cmplz-manage-consent-container .cmplz-category', function(e){ for (let key in cmplz_categories) { if ( cmplz_categories.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { let category = cmplz_categories[key]; let categoryElement = document.querySelector('.cmplz-manage-consent-container input.cmplz-' + category); if (categoryElement) { if (categoryElement.checked) { cmplz_set_consent(category, 'allow'); } else { cmplz_set_consent(category, 'deny'); } cmplz_set_banner_status('dismissed'); cmplz_fire_categories_event(); cmplz_track_status(); } } } }); cmplz_add_event('click', '.cmplz-deny', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); cmplz_set_banner_status('dismissed'); cmplz_deny_all(); }); cmplz_add_event('click', 'button.cmplz-manage-settings', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); let catsContainer = document.querySelector('.cmplz-cookiebanner .cmplz-categories'); let saveSettings = document.querySelector('.cmplz-save-settings'); let manageSettings = document.querySelector('button.cmplz-manage-settings'); if ( !cmplz_is_hidden(catsContainer) ){ saveSettings.style.display='none'; manageSettings.style.display = 'block'; catsContainer.style.display='none'; } else { saveSettings.style.display = 'block'; manageSettings.style.display='none'; catsContainer.style.display = 'block'; } }); cmplz_add_event('click', 'button.cmplz-manage-consent', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); cmplz_set_banner_status('show'); }); /* * Handle dismiss on scroll and dismiss on timeout */ function cmplz_set_up_auto_dismiss() { if ( complianz.consenttype === 'optout' ) { if ( complianz.dismiss_on_scroll==1 ) { let onWindowScroll = function(evt) { if (window.pageYOffset > Math.floor(400)) { cmplz_set_banner_status('dismissed'); cmplz_fire_categories_event(); cmplz_track_status(); window.removeEventListener('scroll', onWindowScroll); this.onWindowScroll = null; } }; window.addEventListener('scroll', onWindowScroll); } let delay = parseInt(complianz.dismiss_timeout); if ( delay > 0 ) { window.setTimeout(function () { cmplz_set_banner_status('dismissed'); cmplz_fire_categories_event(); cmplz_track_status(); }, Math.floor(delay)); } } } /* * Fire a event wich passes all consented categories * Separated from the actual category consent because we want to bundle it in one event */ function cmplz_fire_categories_event(){ let details = new Object(); details.category = cmplz_highest_accepted_category(); details.categories = cmplz_accepted_categories(); details.region = complianz.region; let event = new CustomEvent('cmplz_fire_categories', { detail: details }); document.dispatchEvent(event); } /* * Track the status of current consent * @param status */ function cmplz_track_status( status ) { let cats = []; status = typeof status !== 'undefined' ? status : false; let event = new CustomEvent('cmplz_track_status', { detail: status }); document.dispatchEvent(event); if ( !status ) { cats = cmplz_accepted_categories(); } else { cats = [status]; } cmplz_set_category_as_body_class(); let saved_cats, saved_services; try {saved_cats = JSON.parse(cmplz_get_cookie('saved_categories'));} catch (e) {saved_cats = {};} try {saved_services = JSON.parse(cmplz_get_cookie('saved_services'));} catch (e) {saved_services = {};} let consented_services = cmplz_get_all_service_consents(); //compare current cats with saved cats. When there are no changes, do nothing. if (cmplz_equals(saved_cats, cats) && cmplz_equals(saved_services, consented_services)) { return; } if ( complianz.store_consent != 1 || cmplz_is_bot() || cmplz_is_speedbot() ) { return; } //keep track of the fact that the status was saved at least once cmplz_set_cookie('saved_categories', JSON.stringify(cats)); cmplz_set_cookie('saved_services', JSON.stringify(consented_services)); cmplz_consent_stored_once = true; let data; let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('POST', complianz.url+'track', true); data = { 'consented_categories': cats, 'consented_services':consented_services, 'consenttype': window.wp_consent_type,//store the source consenttype, as our complianz.consenttype will not include optinstats. }; request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/json'); request.send(JSON.stringify(data)); } /* * Get accepted categories * * @returns {string} */ function cmplz_accepted_categories() { let consentedCategories = cmplz_categories; let consentedTemp = []; //because array filter changes keys, we make a temp arr for (let key in consentedCategories) { if ( consentedCategories.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { let category = consentedCategories[key]; if (cmplz_has_consent(category)) { consentedTemp.push(category); } } } consentedCategories = consentedCategories.filter(function(value, index, consentedCategories){ return cmplz_in_array(value, consentedTemp); }); return consentedCategories; } /* * Enable the checkbox for each category which was enabled * * */ function cmplz_sync_category_checkboxes() { for ( let key in cmplz_categories ) { if ( cmplz_categories.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { let category = cmplz_categories[key]; if ( cmplz_has_consent(category) || category === 'functional' ) { document.querySelectorAll('input.cmplz-' + category).forEach(obj => { obj.checked = true; }); } else { document.querySelectorAll('input.cmplz-' + category).forEach(obj => { obj.checked = false; }); } } document.querySelectorAll('.cmplz-accept-service').forEach(obj => { let service = obj.getAttribute('data-service'); let category = obj.getAttribute('data-category'); if ( cmplz_has_service_consent( service, category ) ) { obj.checked = true; } else if ( cmplz_is_service_denied( service ) ) { obj.checked = false; } else { //no consent on service level, check if it's category has consent. let category = obj.getAttribute('data-category' ); obj.checked = !!cmplz_has_consent(category); } }); } } /* * Merge two objects * * */ function cmplz_merge_object(userdata, ajax_data) { let output = {}; //first, we fill the important data. for (let key in ajax_data) { if (ajax_data.hasOwnProperty(key)) output[key] = ajax_data[key]; } //conditionally add static data for (let key in userdata) { //only add if not in ajax_data if (!ajax_data.hasOwnProperty(key) || typeof ajax_data[key] === 'undefined') { if (userdata.hasOwnProperty(key)) output[key] = userdata[key]; } } return output; } /* * Clear all our own cookies, to make sure path issues are resolved. * * */ function cmplz_clear_cookies (cookie_part) { if (typeof document === 'undefined') { return false; } let foundCookie = false; let secure = window.location.protocol === 'https:' ? ';secure' : ''; let expires = 'expires=' + new Date().toGMTString(); let pathParts = location.pathname.replace(/^\/|\/$/g, '').split('/'); // Loop through all cookies document.cookie.split('; ').forEach(function(cookie) { let cookieName = cookie.split(';')[0].split('=')[0]; // If the cookie contains cookie_part, try to delete it if (cookieName.indexOf(cookie_part) !== -1) { foundCookie = true; let domainParts = window.location.hostname.split('.'); let skipLast = domainParts.length > 1; // Clear cookies on root path and subpaths pathParts.forEach(function(pathPart) { let path = '/' + pathPart; document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(cookieName) + '=;SameSite=Lax' + secure + ';' + expires + ';domain=.' + domainParts.join('.') + ';path=' + path; document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(cookieName) + '=;SameSite=Lax' + secure + ';' + expires + ';domain=.' + domainParts.join('.') + ';path=' + path + '/'; }); // Clear cookies on parent domains while (domainParts.length > 0) { let domain = '.' + domainParts.join('.'); domainParts.shift(); if (skipLast && domainParts.length === 1) domainParts.shift(); pathParts.forEach(function(pathPart) { let path = '/' + pathPart; document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(cookieName) + '=;SameSite=Lax' + secure + ';' + expires + ';domain=' + domain + ';path=' + path; document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(cookieName) + '=;SameSite=Lax' + secure + ';' + expires + ';domain=' + domain + ';path=' + path + '/'; }); } } }); // To prevent a double reload, we preserve the cookie policy id cmplz_set_accepted_cookie_policy_id(); return foundCookie; } /* * * If a policy is accepted, save this in the user policy id * * */ function cmplz_set_accepted_cookie_policy_id() { cmplz_set_cookie('policy_id', complianz.current_policy_id); } /* * For supported integrations, initialize the not consented state * * */ function cmplz_integrations_init() { let cookiesToSet = complianz.set_cookies; //check if we have scripts that need to be set to true on init. for (let key in cookiesToSet) { if (cookiesToSet.hasOwnProperty(key) && cookiesToSet[key][1] === '1') { cmplz_set_cookie(key, cookiesToSet[key][1], false); } } } /* * For supported integrations, revoke consent * * */ function cmplz_integrations_revoke() { let cookiesToSet = complianz.set_cookies; for (let key in cookiesToSet) { if (cookiesToSet.hasOwnProperty(key)) { cmplz_set_cookie(key, cookiesToSet[key][1], false); if ( cookiesToSet[key][1] == false ){ cmplz_clear_cookies(key); } } } } /* * For supported integrations, set consent * * */ function cmplz_set_integrations_cookies() { let cookiesToSet = complianz.set_cookies; for (let key in cookiesToSet) { if (cookiesToSet.hasOwnProperty(key)) { cmplz_set_cookie(key, cookiesToSet[key][0], false); } } } function cmplz_get_url_parameter(sPageURL, sParam) { if (!sPageURL || typeof sPageURL === 'undefined' || sPageURL.indexOf('?') === -1) { return false; } const queryString = sPageURL.split('?')[1]; if (!queryString) return false; const sURLVariables = queryString.split('&'); for (let i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { const sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('='); if (sParameterName[0] === sParam) { return sParameterName[1] === undefined ? true : decodeURIComponent(sParameterName[1]); } } return false; } /* * If the parameter cmplz_region_redirect =true is passed, find the user's region, and redirect. */ function cmplz_maybe_auto_redirect() { let redirect = cmplz_get_url_parameter(window.location.href, 'cmplz_region_redirect'); let region = cmplz_get_url_parameter(window.location.href, 'cmplz-region'); if (redirect && !region) { let newUrl = window.location.href.split('#')[0] + '&cmplz-region=' + complianz.region; let hash = window.location.hash; window.location.href = newUrl + hash; } } /* * wrapper to set consent for wp consent API. If consent API is not active, do nothing * @param type * @param value */ function cmplz_wp_set_consent(type, value) { //wp consent api integration if (typeof wp_set_consent == 'function') { wp_set_consent(type, value); } } var cmplz_cookie_data = []; var cmplzCleanCookieInterval; function cmplz_start_clean(){ if ( complianz.clean_cookies == 1 ) { //check if it's already stored if (typeof (Storage) !== "undefined" ) { cmplz_cookie_data = JSON.parse( sessionStorage.getItem('cmplz_cookie_data') ); } //if not stored yet, load. As features in the user object can be changed on updates, we also check for the version if ( !cmplz_cookie_data || cmplz_cookie_data.length === 0 ) { let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('GET', complianz.url+'cookie_data', true); request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/json'); request.send(); request.onload = function() { cmplz_cookie_data = JSON.parse(request.response); sessionStorage.setItem('cmplz_cookie_data', JSON.stringify(cmplz_cookie_data) ); cmplz_setup_clean_interval(); }; } else { cmplz_setup_clean_interval(); } } } /* * Execute the cleanup of cookies */ function cmplz_do_cleanup() { const consent_categories = ['preferences', 'statistics', 'marketing']; for (const category of consent_categories) { if (!cmplz_has_consent(category) && cmplz_cookie_data.hasOwnProperty(category)) { const services = cmplz_cookie_data[category]; for (const service in services) { if (!cmplz_has_service_consent(service, category)) { const cookies = services[service]; for (const item of cookies) { cmplz_clear_cookies(item); cmplz_clear_storage(item); } } } } } } function cmplz_setup_clean_interval(){ // if the cookie data array is empty, return, nothing to do. if ( !cmplz_cookie_data ) { return; } //check if it's already activated if ( cmplzCleanCookieInterval ) { return; } //one straight away, then every second cmplz_do_cleanup(); cmplzCleanCookieInterval = setInterval(cmplz_do_cleanup, 1000 ); } /* * Clear an item from either session or localstorage * @param item */ function cmplz_clear_storage(item){ if (typeof (Storage) !== "undefined" ) { if ( localStorage.getItem(item) ) { localStorage.removeItem(item); } if ( sessionStorage.getItem(item) ) { sessionStorage.removeItem(item); } } } /* * Load revoke options */ function cmplz_load_manage_consent_container() { //don't load manage html code in the block editor let manage_consent_container = document.querySelector('.cmplz-manage-consent-container'); let is_block_editor = false;//document.querySelector('.wp-admin .cmplz-unlinked-mode'); if ( manage_consent_container && !is_block_editor ) { let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('GET', complianz.url+'manage_consent_html?'+complianz.locale, true); request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/json'); request.send(); request.onload = function() { let html = JSON.parse(request.response); manage_consent_container.insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', html ); cmplz_sync_category_checkboxes(); let nojavascript = document.querySelector('#cmplz-manage-consent-container-nojavascript') nojavascript.style.display = 'none'; manage_consent_container.style.display = 'block'; let event = new CustomEvent('cmplz_manage_consent_container_loaded'); document.dispatchEvent(event); }; } } /* * Make slider radio's tabable */ cmplz_add_event('keypress', '.cmplz-banner-slider label', function(e){ let keycode = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which); if (keycode == 32) { document.activeElement.click(); } }); /* * Make close button closable with enter */ cmplz_add_event('keypress', '.cmplz-cookiebanner .cmplz-header .cmplz-close', function(e){ let keycode = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which); if ( keycode == 13 ) { document.activeElement.click(); } }); /* * Compare two arrays * @param array * @returns {boolean} */ function cmplz_equals (array_1, array_2) { if ( !Array.isArray(array_1) ) { array_1 = Object.keys(array_1); array_2 = Object.keys(array_2); } // if the other array is a falsy value, return if (!array_1 || !array_2) return false; // compare lengths - can save a lot of time if (array_1.length !== array_2.length) return false; for (let i = 0, l=array_1.length; i < l; i++) { // Check if we have nested arrays if (array_1[i] instanceof Array && array_2[i] instanceof Array) { // recurse into the nested arrays if (!cmplz_equals(array_1[i], array_2[i])) return false; } else if (array_1[i] !== array_2[i]) { return false; } } return true; } /* * Copy all element atributes to the new element */ function cmplzCopyAttributes(source, target) { const excludes = ['type', 'data-service', 'data-category', 'async']; Array.from(source.attributes).forEach(attribute => { if (attribute.nodeName === 'data-script-type' && attribute.nodeValue === 'module') { target.setAttribute('type', 'module'); target.removeAttribute('data-script-type'); } else if (!excludes.includes(attribute.nodeName)) { target.setAttribute(attribute.nodeName, attribute.nodeValue); } }); } /* * Hooked into jquery */ var cmplz_has_wp_video = document.querySelector('.cmplz-wp-video-shortcode'); var cmplz_times_checked = 0; if ('undefined' != typeof window.jQuery) { jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { if ( cmplz_has_wp_video ) { document.addEventListener("cmplz_enable_category", function (consentData) { cmplz_activate_wp_video(); }); let cmplzInterval = setInterval(function(){ cmplz_times_checked+=1; if ( document.querySelector('.cmplz-wp-video-shortcode') && cmplz_times_checked<100) { cmplz_activate_wp_video(); } else { clearInterval(cmplzInterval); } }, 500); } /* * WordPress legacy shortcode */ function cmplz_activate_wp_video(again) { if ( !document.querySelector('.cmplz-wp-video-shortcode') ) { return; } let categories = cmplz_accepted_categories(); let services = cmplz_get_all_service_consents(); let selectorVideo = ''; let selectorVideos = []; for (let c_key in categories) { if (categories.hasOwnProperty(c_key)) { let category = categories[c_key]; if (category==='functional') { break; } selectorVideos.push('.cmplz-wp-video-shortcode[data-category="'+category+'"]'); } } for (let s_key in services) { if (services.hasOwnProperty(s_key)) { selectorVideos.push('.cmplz-wp-video-shortcode[data-service="' + s_key + '"]'); } } selectorVideo = selectorVideos.join(','); let should_initialize_video = false; if ( selectorVideo.length>0 ) { document.querySelectorAll(selectorVideo).forEach(obj => { should_initialize_video = true; obj.setAttribute('controls', 'controls'); obj.classList.add('wp-video-shortcode', 'cmplz-processed'); obj.classList.remove('cmplz-wp-video-shortcode'); obj.closest('.cmplz-wp-video').classList.remove('cmplz-wp-video'); let blocked_notice = obj.closest('.wp-video').querySelector('.cmplz-blocked-content-notice'); if (blocked_notice) { blocked_notice.parentElement.removeChild(blocked_notice); } obj.classList.remove('cmplz-blocked-content-container'); }); } if ( should_initialize_video ) { //in normal setup, this should work. e.g. with primavera theme not, then we init per element. if (window.wp.mediaelement) { window.wp.mediaelement.initialize() } else { let settings={}; settings.videoWidth='100%'; settings.videoHeight='100%'; settings.enableAutosize=true; $( '.wp-video-shortcode' ).mediaelementplayer( settings ); } } } /* * Activate fitvids on the parent element if active * a.o. Beaverbuilder */ document.querySelectorAll('.cmplz-video.cmplz-activated').forEach(obj => { cmplz_activate_fitvids(obj); }); document.addEventListener("cmplz_enable_category", function (e) { document.querySelectorAll('.cmplz-video.cmplz-activated').forEach(obj => { cmplz_activate_fitvids(obj); }); }); function cmplz_activate_fitvids(obj){ //turn obj into jquery object let $obj = $(obj); if (typeof $obj.parent().fitVids === 'function') { $obj.parent().fitVids(); } } }); }